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Origin of the Idea

How it started

All these begun 2007-2009, when Rukundo Sebasore Eric after finishing his university studies thought of how he could make employable his skills to improve lives of others.

He first started in 2007 with 100 young people in Kigali, then went to another group of 150 people mostly composed by women. He used to teach them English, Entrepreneurship, Lifeskills and ICT.

Part of the activities done where also to facilitate them to work in small base groups to make profitable their talents (dance, art,... )

This idea kept growing in him until September 2011 when he shared it to other to initiate Bright Future Cornerstone, this time the focus was to create opportunities to share knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship, leadership and technology.

This later become a vibrant network that connects people committed to offer innovative solutions to inspire people on how they can explore their hidden potentials to contribute to their personal development and human welfare through knowledge sharing.

Value Proposition

Bright Future Cornerstone offers a collaborative way to engage people inspiring disadvantaged people explore their potential to contribute to their personal development and human welfare.

How the idea is being made happen?

To make this idea happen Bright Future Cornerstone organizes workshops, TV and Radio shows, humanitarian activities to give opportunities to people to empower others with life skills namely in leadership, entrepreneurship and technology and beneficiaries are aged between 15 to 35 years.

To make it easy three programs have been created

yEssentials (Youth Essentials)
yExplore (Youth Explore)
yConnect (Youth Connect)

This become a reality just because BFC activated online discussion via social media and opened a website (www.brightfuturelines.net) as well as organizing workshop each three months.

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